akko & tamo

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Couple Time and Date Night During Quarantine - Episode 7

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Spending couple time with any couple is important. Whether you have children or a demanding career, setting aside some time to be spent with your partner can make or break a relationship. Nowadays with COVID, date night/ couple time has definitely become challenging. Finding a babysitter to even making a reservation to a restaurant can be weary due to the uncertainty of people possibly transmitting COVID or not. We have found a system where we set aside this precious quality time/couple of times after our daughter has gone to bed for the night. This time is priceless in that we share our deepest thoughts and feelings as we cozy up next to each other by giving one another undivided attention. It is this time that strengthens and grows our relationship as we appreciate each other. So we encourage everyone to set aside time for their couple time; even if it’s only 10-15 minutes. And please share with us your couple-time routine in the comment section below. We would love to hear everyone’s use of couple time and/or how creative they get to make time for quality time.

Please subscribe. We look forward to reading your comments.

►00:14 - What does Yuntaku Time Mean?
►00:48 - Recent Happenings: Test Driving a Tesla
►05:01 - TOPIC: Setting Aside Couple Time and Date Night
►05:53 - What we do to set aside couple time
►08:48 - Benefits of Couple Time #1: Sharing our Deep Thoughts
►11:54 - Benefits of Couple Time #2 : Keep the Fire Blazing
►12:12 - Benefits of Couple Time #3: Relaxing into Each Other
►13:00 - Benefits of Couple Time #4: Having Fun
►13:30 - Benefits of Couple Time #4: Appreciate Each Other

QUESTION: What do you do for your Couple Time?

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Podcast Transcription

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Tamo 0:00

Relaxing into each other is letting all your guards down, right? It's letting all your guards down and just completely opening yourself up to your partner.

Akko 0:10

It's Yutaku time with Akko and Tamo.

Tamo 0:13

What does Yuntaku mean? It's an Okinawan word from the islands of Okinawa, which means, Chit Chat. We want to invite you to our kitchen table, and include you in our chit chat to explore new ways of thinking, to welcome different perspectives.

Akko 0:32

And we want to share ideas and how to love yourself, love your partner, and shower your children with love.

Tamo 0:39

This is Episode Seven.

Akko 0:41

And the topic of the day is setting aside couple time and date night. But before we get to that, let's talk about our recent happenings. So yesterday, we went to test drive a Tesla and man, how is experience? Oh,

Tamo 0:55

that was so fun, wasn't it? And in the beginning, we were planning to go test drive a Tesla, just the two of us. And we wanted to take the baby car seat just to make sure it fits well.

Akko 1:06

Yeah, and see how much room we have and what kind of space we have to deal with.

Tamo 1:09

And then we were looking for a babysitter. And the timing didn't really work out that well. So we decided to take our daughter with us. Yes, yeah, it was really fun.

Akko 1:19

She was enjoying it a lot, you know.

Tamo 1:21

So for those who have a Tesla or been in a Tesla who know the acceleration potential of Tesla's, those things are very fast. And in the beginning, I was pretty worried that she would be scared. But Wow. After the acceleration, she was like more and more. She was

Akko 1:36

signing more and more and more. And I was like, Oh my god, it's so funny.

Tamo 1:40

And as soon as she got in, we test drove the model y and then Model S. And the model y for those of you that know Cole tapa roof is pretty much glass. And so you can see everything. And our daughter was saying, Wow, wow, the whole time.

Akko 1:55

That was Mama was pretty excited. It was really like pretty grand. Because it's you know, you're not used to it.

Tamo 2:00

So you're like, well, wow, especially sitting in the back, right? You really feel that and

Akko 2:04

then how was a Model S

Tamo 2:06

I really love the Model S for those, again, that know the test leather line. The Model S is a car that little aged, especially in terms of the body style, just because they haven't changed the body style for a while. But inside it, I really liked it. It was quite nice. I really liked the interior. Now

Akko 2:23

there's a lot of nice touches.

Tamo 2:25

Yeah, the headliner was really nice. It was all black. And then leather interior. I really liked it.

Akko 2:30

super soft kind of hugs you in a sense?

Tamo 2:33

Yeah. And you can tell like the write itself was a lot more smoother. Yeah. And it felt like, yeah, compared to the model y, which was, you know, you can hear a lot more of the road noise. Although the interior we wrote in one that had the white interior

Akko 2:49

was really nice. Yeah. So the model y, our Tesla guy was saying that it's a lot more minimalist. So everything when you would have like a button on your on the window, or a chair or anything, everything is actually honest on the screen. So that was pretty interesting.

Tamo 3:04

Yeah, a lot of it was on the screen. And you had the drop, got rid of a lot of the buttons. But you know, I think once you get used to it, it'd be really intuitive. And, and so yeah, we test drove both of them, I got to test drive both. And you got to test drive the model y which

Akko 3:20

is amazing. I mean, just the speed of it. Accelerate, and you're like cool. You go from like zero to I don't even know how fast that was going. It was really cool.

Tamo 3:31

And it was really fun to see our daughter enjoying it too. Yeah, maybe she was enjoying a little too

Akko 3:37

honest, honestly felt like a roller coaster like that feeling you get at the pit of your stomach. Like you have that same feeling because you're going that fast. And so it was really cool to experience that and it just a regular car.

Tamo 3:47

Yeah. And to me it felt like because I was in the driver's seat when that was happening. It felt like a rocket taking off. Yeah, I thought it were gonna start flying or something. But it was really fun. In a sense, I wish that we were able to test drive the other two. Yeah, maybe in the future, we will just because we are looking for kind of a family car, right? And the Model S Yes. Model y Yes. There. You know, they would work. No problem. It would work. But it would be nice to have a little

Unknown Speaker 4:15

bit more space. Yeah. And

Tamo 4:17

so we would love to test drive the Model X in the future. So we'll we'll see how that pans out. But with COVID I they allowed us to

Akko 4:25

drive by ourselves. So that was kind of cool.

Tamo 4:27

But they still have a lot of control just because they can start and probably stopped the car over the air.

Akko 4:32

Yes. So that's kind of cool. Like this guy just called another guy saying, Hey, can you start the car and it just starts? Yeah, so that's no keys.

Tamo 4:40

So yeah, that's something that we've been quite excited about. And it was a really fun outing. And I think for both of us on my end data, we had a really it was nice to get out and do something different.

Akko 4:51

Yeah, it was a lot of fun. A lot of fun. So it's kind of like going at Veen but like on steroids way better.

Tamo 5:01

So let's get into the topic of the day to day.

Akko 5:04

Yeah. So again, it's setting aside couple time and date night. And so what copper time is is couple time and spending quality time with each other being there for each other and giving undivided attention to each other without any distractions. So no phones, no gadgets, no TV of any sort. And date night is usually scheduled on under bands. And with this whole COVID thing, it's been challenging to do that. And I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that.

Tamo 5:33

Right, finding a babysitter becomes more difficult. Even if it's people, you know, there's a little bit of apprehension depending on the situation, because for some people, they might not want to take care of your children just because of the situation and things like that. Or you might fear that they will catch COVID from elsewhere. So that's something that's been quite difficult. But what we've been doing is hanging out when our daughter goes to sleep. Yeah, no,

Akko 5:57

it was great. Yesterday, we had one and he feel much better. Like you're just relax, do you feel good afterwards? We're just talking, you know, you're just growing together, and you're just sharing stories on a deeper level. It's not something that not like what happened on a day to day basis. Runs deeper as far as our values

Tamo 6:16

are. That's what we talk about. Yeah. And things like what's been going on inside of us, right?

Akko 6:21

We've been feeling Right, right.

Tamo 6:22

And you the day to days are also important. But sometimes when we get too busy, you know, we're taking care of our child, we have work to do we have errands to run, we have things at home we have to do. There's so many things. And then we also have to keep in mind, maybe family members or friends and things like that. And it gets overwhelmed with kind of the more surface level things. Yeah, and taking time for each other to ask questions and to get to know, to ask questions. And to get to the root of what we're going through, I think is very important.

Akko 6:58

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And so we think it's so important to always have that time with each other. You know, we don't do it that often anymore, just because it's we're busy. But we try to do it whenever we get the chance.

Tamo 7:11

Right. And before we started recording, he had also mentioned that it's also important to take time for yourself, too. And I totally agree. Yes, yes.

Akko 7:20

I mean, me time is important as well, right? Just as important. I mean, you need to take care of yourself first before you can really cultivate a relationship with another person. Yeah.

Tamo 7:28

And so that's also where the communication comes in. And we always have to be checking in with each other. Okay, how you doing? How am I doing? And then we can say, Okay, well, let's use today as a new time. And then or today. Yeah, it's good for a couple times. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And it's slightly different than date night. Because date night is usually scheduled in advance, we get to kind of go out and things like that. And unfortunately, we haven't had that now. We haven't. Yeah, but you know, we've been making it work. Yeah, can we take what we can get?

Akko 7:59


Tamo 8:01

So we tried to make again, when our daughter goes to sleep, or she's maybe taking a nap, usually, during the nap times, we need to do kind of like home errands and clean up exactly. Mainly is cleaning up and then we'll catch up with other small errands that we have to do prepare that. So we can do that at a later time. What, what else have we been doing?

Akko 8:22

Yeah, so we always do our early evening stroll. And that's kind of consider a couple time too, because our daughter is just in our car. And you know, the car that we kind of push, now push car, and so she's kind of enjoying the scenery, she's kind of enjoying her time in that car. So then we have our own us time, as well. So you know, we got to kind of share what's going on in our lives during that time to

Tamo 8:45

totally, totally and so we make it happen. And so yeah, with that said, let's share some of the benefits that that we experienced with a couple of time. I mean, the benefits are plentiful, but some of the benefits that we want to share. And one of the benefits is that we get to share things that are deeper than what come up during the normal day to day activities. Right. So like we were mentioning, not having to talk about errands or necessarily what happened at work. But we get to go a little deeper than that. How have we been doing inside physically? Have we been feeling okay? Things like that. And so when we do have a couple times, again, we get to share things that are much deeper than your day to day activities. And you want to share some of the things that we've been doing.

Akko 9:26

Yeah, so we usually talk about what we learned that day, like overall kind of taking this parenting class. And so during that time, you're working. So I primarily listen to what's going on, and I share with you what's going on. And you know, we learn about that. And then we kind of elaborate and we talk about those ideas, and what our thoughts are what could work with our daughter. And so we discuss, we learn and you talk about a lot about what's going on with you spiritually. And things that

Tamo 9:53

I've been working on bringing that to the table. And so with that, yeah, we get to have a taste of what you're learning and What I'm learning I can share that with you. And yeah, it's been really nice when we have questions. So for example, you've been taking a parenting class, and I feel like I'm thinking it with you, because you share with me what you've learned. And then we have questions. And when we have questions, you contact the teacher ask questions, and I think it's been nice feedback.

Akko 10:18

Yeah, it's great. It's great. I love the course and love the course. And yeah, even when you share your you know, what's going on, it's a push for me to like, Okay, I need to start meditating a little more, right? Or, you know, like, okay, so it's a push for us to grow together.

Tamo 10:33

Right? Right, exactly. And on my end, I've been meditating. And through meditation, I've been getting insights, and I share that insight with you. And we talk about it and kind of refined my insights together. And then we can take that insight and turn it into something that we can use practically in our day to day lives. And to me, it's been fantastic. It's I really feel the growth and the work that I've been doing through meditation, it's really coming out in our physical reality. And so yeah, I think and again, what you bring to the table with the learning about the parenting, we get to use it. Yeah, don't we? Because his parents Yeah,

Akko 11:09

yeah. Yeah. So it's a great and you got to learn about what parents with older kids are going through. So then you're like, Okay, though, this is what I have to, I guess, look forward to or watch out for, or see how we can handle the situation with that type of situation

Tamo 11:23

completely. I totally agree with that. Because it's kind of like a roadmap, right? So if you have a roadmap, you're like, Okay, you're not as surprised. And, okay, there's some pitfalls here. When they get to this age, they are kind of like this. Exactly. So it makes it a lot more easier. And not only that, we can customize it to our daughter.

Akko 11:41

Exactly. Exactly. super powerful. Yeah. So it's been great. So yeah, kind of going back to what our topic was. So the the stuff that we share, and you know, we just go deeper and deeper and deeper, and we really dig deep in our values and what we think

Tamo 11:54

but another benefit that you can have, by having a couple times is to keep the fire blazing. And sometimes you hear Oh, you can ignite that passion. But for us, it's more just keeping that fire ablaze. And setting aside the time to love each other.

Akko 12:09

Yeah, yeah, that's great. And, you know, with that we like, relax into each other. It just feels so good. I mean, I know some people might do like, it's cumbersome. And you know, they use a lot of mind space. But for us, it's just even more like the more mind space we use. We're like, well, this is great. And we just get to relax into each other.

Tamo 12:27

Yeah. And another thing that I want to talk about with relaxing into each other is relaxing into each other is letting all your guards down, right? It's letting all your guards down and just completely opening yourself up to your partner

Akko 12:41

100% 100%.

Tamo 12:44

And if it's done right, and relaxing to each other after to start couple of times, you can feel it just the energy is lighter. We feel better. It's just there's a distinct feeling that we had. Right? It's, it's a beautiful thing.

Akko 12:57

Absolutely. Absolutely. And so

Tamo 12:59

going into another benefit is having fun just having fun, right? Yeah, having a laugh. It doesn't have to be all serious and things like that. But just releasing some steam with us smiling at each other. Just Just have

Akko 13:10

fun. Yeah, yeah. Laughing is great. You know. So it's, it's good.

Tamo 13:14

Let's have fun, right? And just keep it light. And we make fun of each other. We make fun of the situation. And when I say make fun of each other, we're not looking down at each other. But we do funny things. And it's just all good.

Akko 13:25

Yeah, exactly. no

Tamo 13:26

judgment. Do you just take it as it is? Yeah, exactly.

Akko 13:29

And lastly, it's a time where we can appreciate each other even more. So. I mean, we we appreciate each other on a daily basis, but it's on a much deeper level. And you're just like, Oh, this is so great. Like, I'm so happy to have you as my partner. So

Tamo 13:43

definitely. And it's the same for me too. I when I think of appreciate recently, I've been really thinking about the word appreciate and appreciating each other actually appreciate each other. And what I mean by that is just as house value appreciates over time, or maybe a stock appreciates in value, things like that I appreciate you with with gratitude. I'm so grateful to have you as my partner, you've helped me so much. And I'm learning so much from you every single day, just just even yesterday, when I was heading to work, I was so grateful that I have you in my life and how you really teach me to get into touch with my heart, keep things light. And I really appreciate that. I really appreciate it. I recognize it and being able to share that with you. gives me great joy. And so so taking time to appreciate each other is one of the one of the very powerful things you can do during a couple times.

Akko 14:39

Yeah. And not likewise. I mean, I appreciate you just everything. And I think that's one of the big reason why our relationship works. Because we do appreciate each other, we value each other and we value everything about each other.

Tamo 14:52

And I believe that that's also the reason we see growth right because we are appreciating each other. So the value of the Other is growing. We experienced the growth from the inside and the outside and it's been a real fun experience all these years that has, so what do you do for your couple times

Akko 15:11

and we'd love to hear from you. So please comment on our YouTube channel by searching Yun duck time.

Tamo 15:16

Alright till then take care

Akko 15:18
