akko & tamo

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Following Intuition to Parenthood - Episode 71

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Do you want a big family but you just don’t know at times? Are you weary of the unknown? In this episode we discuss our journey in deciding to have a third child by following our intuition and having deep consideration of practical aspects. We share experiences on how we used our deep listening, synchronicities, and the impact on our current children and how that helped in making our final decision. Join us as we dive deep in our discussion about how we decided on trying for our third child. 

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►00:00 - Intro
►00:25 - Recent Happening: Chaperoning our daughter’s field trip.
►02:00 - TOPIC: Following Intuition to Parenthood
►03:01- Practical Considerations and Inner Knowing
►07:13 - Synchronicities and Deep Conversations

QUESTION: What are some of the things you’ve thought about before deciding to kids?

► Copyright Chillhop Music - https://chillhop.com

#bigfamily #followingintuition #consciousparenting #realizeyourtruenature


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Podcast Transcription

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Tamo: This is Episode 71.

Akko: And the topic of the day is Following Intuition to Parenthood And before we get started, please take a quick moment to subscribe to our show. Now, let's get back to our recent happenings. So recently, I had the opportunity to go on a field trip with our daughter to this farm and it was my first time chaperoning So it was a pretty cool experience and our daughter was super excited because I was able to go with her I was able to go on the bus with her.

So it was super exciting Did you get to sit next to her? Yeah, I got to sit next to her. So that was really cool So it was these kids are super small. So usually if it's an adult, it would probably be two to a seat, but we were able to do two kids and then a parent. So there's six parents that were selected to go to this field trip and to chaperone and have a group of kids that we were responsible for.

And I have to say, I admire these teachers. I'm sure the kids aren't like this in class, but we're at a new environment and they want to run around and it's a farm and so there's animals and so they're like going everywhere, but it was a lot of fun. Seeing her interact with her friends and just seeing all the other kids being adventurous.

Tamo: Yeah, I think that's a great point. That's another kind of data point where you can see how. How children react, right? Or how they're behaving when they're in a different environment with their friends and stuff like that. So I think that's really cool that you got to see it. And for parents that, do have kids that go on field trips, maybe volunteering to go here and there.

That might be a really educational time for the parent too. Yeah, I

Akko: think so. And you can see, what kind of friends does she have or how is she interacting and so on right? There's just so much you could get Out of just a a regular field trip

Tamo: Yeah, that's awesome, yeah, thanks for sharing

Akko: Yeah, so now let's get back to our topic of the day. So the topic of the day is following intuition to parenthood.

Tamo: Yeah, so The reason we wanted to share this is, as we grow as an individual and as we grow together as parents things really change.

The way we see things and learning about ourselves at a deeper and deeper level. Things start to change. And even In the past couple of years I know that we've experienced a lot of change, not just in the outside, but really our inner world has changed quite a bit and we're starting to see things a little bit more differently in terms of just things are not as black and white anymore and we are working to listen to our intuition a lot more and following the heart intuition and, maybe someone else might call it the higher self.

And so we want to share what we've thought about, what we felt when we started to have a discussion about having another child. So this would be our third child and, a lot went into thinking about it and and making sure that we're both okay with the decision and so with that said, one of the more important things that we've considered was having a real deep listening and the deep listening means really going deep within and listening to what That quiet whisper within and seeing what that is saying and then following that inner knowing and our intuition.

Akko, Maybe you can share with us how you felt in terms of that.

Akko: Yeah. So I always had this feeling of wanting a third. I couldn't really explain where it was coming from, but I can just feel that I wanted a third child. And it wasn't coming out of hormonal reasons, if that makes sense. A lot of times women, we have a lot of hormones that go through our body and so that could also be a trigger as far as whether we want another child or whatnot.

But this was coming from something deeper. And I would always kind of raise that question to Tamo. Oh, would you want a third and just plant the seed in him from a very early time after our second was born and I just had this feeling. Call it intuition. I just had this intuition that our family would love to have this third child,

And something that I couldn't explain and that it came from the heart and something I just felt so deeply about.

Tamo: Yeah, and I think on my end I was looking at the more practical aspects of bringing another child into this world, looking at finances or do we have enough energy because, we're not getting any younger and then, looking at, in general, it seems society is built upon two children being a lot easier than The third child the reason I say that is we fly quite often on planes and Usually the seats are four rows wide at most and so having the third child then we would have to be split up Another one is cars If you don't have a van Usually two is comfortable and three, especially for a sedan gets really cramped.

Yeah, it does. And it just becomes there's a lot of small things even when you go to restaurants, seats are usually four, four seats, right? Yeah. And so there are these small inconveniences that really add up. And another one would be, there's two parents and three kids and we're way outnumbered.

Even two is outnumbering us. And I think on my end looking at the practicalities, I got very scared. I felt that, wow things are so difficult already. To bring in another child it's going to get even more difficult. So I think that fear overrode a lot of kind of my deeper inner knowing.

And, I've been telling Akko early on deep down, I knew that I also wanted another child, but the practicality scared me so much that the more practical aspect of me was just writhing and no, I how can we handle this type of thing? But settling down and really listening to that, that deep inner knowing we continued our discussion with, what we wanted to do.

Akko: Yeah. And, this wasn't just like one conversation. It was, Multiple conversations over multiple

Tamo: years. Yeah, over a long period of

Akko: time And it wasn't just like all right, just one little deep conversation and okay, we want a kid.

It was actually a very Intentional conversation and we wanted to be very sure that we wanted this third child because I knew I wanted a third child, but if Tamo didn't want a third child, I didn't want to have a third child if he didn't feel comfortable after all, parenting is, you, we need both parents to be on board.

Tamo: Oh yeah. 100%. It can't be just one person pushing through or whatnot. And so I think for me, I, Had to process through that the practicalities and you know going through the fear. Okay, then it's gonna cost more just overall in general, right These things really was roadblock for me which after some time and just a deep inner listening I was able to let go and you know that things will be alright.

Akko: Mm hmm so another one is that we started to see signs.

Tamo: Yeah. And these can be called synchronicities and just. We would be going about our daily life, and during that time, we'll run into these interesting kind of situations that, maybe from the outside perspective, if someone else were to see it, maybe they would not think of it too deeply, but for us, it was very meaningful.

For example backing up to when we had our children we never found out their gender.

Akko: Yeah We never found out the gender of any of our children. And so we always had two names planned .

Tamotsu: And we've had situations where someone out of the blue will call for example, our daughter or our son by that name.

Yeah, we hadn't used and it's not a common name.

Akko: No, not at all. It's not typical at all So it was really interesting when we heard that name or like

Tamo: yeah So we looked at each other and we went. That's Kind of what does that mean? Yeah. Yeah,

Akko: that's interesting and Yeah, it was weird because it wasn't something that we could just like brush off it was like, definitely there was a meaning to it.

Tamo: Yeah, it was more than just, coincidence and things like that. Yeah. And things like that happening, and just going about, that's just one example of many examples that happened throughout just, living life and noticing these things. We discuss how we saw things during our daily life and, just share these happenings with each other.

And we also talked about, having these deep, meaningful conversations in a previous podcast. So check that out. Yeah, for sure. But yeah, going back to just having a conversation with each other, just sharing what's the experiences that we've had and sharing these synchronicities.

Akko: Yeah, it definitely helps with knowing, whether we should have a third child or not, always having these deep conversation and having the affirmation that we need.

Tamo: Yeah. Going back it's not just because of these synchronicities, we're deciding to have a third child.

It's more that, we've gone through the practicalities the finances and all the practical things that need to happen for. Us to provide a comfortable home for our child. Not only that, we also took into consideration a lot more of the deeper knowing, the deeper listening, and then the synchronicities, and just what is the bigger picture of what the universe is trying to communicate with us?

And just really being open and receptive to these more, what seems to be more woo woo. And just being okay with that and letting life flow through us.

Akko: Not resisting, what we're thinking and what we saw or whatnot. And another one is, we really thought about how it would impact our current children.

And, we just thought that it was it was also going to be positive. And also we were thinking do we have enough energy, just practicality, right? Do we have enough energy for another child? To be in this family. And it was just a lot of deep conversations with ourselves and also with each other.

Tamo: And, obviously after some consideration, just really sitting with it, the answers were yes, and we are ready. And that's why we decided to

Akko: Try for our third. Yeah, so that's how our thought process went in deciding whether we wanted to Start trying for a third

Tamo: right and everyone's different and we just wanted to share our experience.

I think some may be a lot more comfortable and just looking at the practicalities and that totally makes sense. If the practicals are not there it becomes a lot more difficult. And so that's very understandable. And some people resonate a lot more with kind of the deeper listening, , maybe the more esoteric or maybe the more spiritual aspects of what we're speaking about.

And there may be even more, there may be other situations or things that you have to consider for your family because every family is different, and this is just one example, one situation with us that we wanted to share with you so that maybe it can give you a different lens, a different perspective to think about and feel through this whole process.

Akko: So if you think this episode is helpful for other parents, please share it. And if you haven't, please take a quick moment to subscribe to our show. And the question of the day is, What are some things you've thought about before deciding to have kids?

Tamo: We'd love to hear from you. Please come say hi by commenting on our website by going to AKKOANDTAMO.COM and clicking on the podcast tab.

We're also on Instagram at Akko and Tamo. Come say hi to us there. Yep. Alright. Bye.